360° tool for
policy monito­ring

Score with insights.
Gain trust through analysis.
That’s what policy leaders do.

Track legislation faster and monitor issues 24/7.

With smart algorithms, we identify trends and
influencers for all policy fields.

Issue monitoring

Simultaneously, track different topics
by dividing your search clusters
among different news desks.

Media review

Fast and reliable: Our editors keep you well informed while focusing on the key-facts and regulations that shape your business. You are also free to create your own reporting formats on our platform.

Stakeholder analysis

A dynamic mapping of actors and positions is the starting point of every consulting process. We help you to remain a trusted partner in the policy arena and be ready for debating and exerting influence on highest level.

Policy navigator

With our policy bots, you can automatically track the status of legislation, including new committee appointments and information on rapporteurs. One glance at your dashboard is all it takes to plan and start your session week.


Analysis of topic trends in media or parliaments and of political influencers.

Mail alerts

Daily news on activities of decision makers, governmental authorities
and associations.


Weekly schedule preview with
the most important industry events
and political happenings.


Professional PDF and email reports directly from the Policylead cloud for your in-house briefings.

Policy review

360° media review – all policy &
media news prepared by
experienced analysts.


Smart tracking of legislation.
All topics and regulatory
thrusts at a glance.


entries per month


dates per year


stakeholder profiles

The scope of our database is not limited.
We are constantly expanding our source index
in order to provide our customers with complete
news and policy monitoring on all subjects.

Parliaments & Government

Documents, minutes and press releases from parliaments, parliamentary groups and authorities for the federal, regional and EU level

Stakeholder groups

Position papers and statements from over 4,000 companies, associations, trade unions, foundations and NGOs

Online media

More than 7,000 news sites, influencer blogs and other online sources that we reindex weekly in response to customer requests


More than 14,000 dates per year for upcoming plenary sessions, committee meetings, party congresses and industry events


Judgments and court reports from German federal courts, higher regional courts and European courts (ECJ, ECHR))


Comments and analyses from over 4,000 experts from consultancies, research institutions, public authorities or specialised publishers

Social media

Tracking of 10,000 Facebook and X accounts of decision makers, journalists and influencers

Print media

Access to articles from more than 1,700 daily newspapers and specialist journals in cooperation with the PMG press monitor

Would you like
to know more?

Please contact us by
e-mail or phone:

+49 (0) 30 555 716 40